Credit Reports

Information you need to know virtually credit reports, including free credit reports

What is a Credit Report?

A credit report is a record of your credit history. It may include information on applications for credit that you take fabricated in the past every bit well every bit data relating to your history of repaying credit card debts, personal loans and mortgages. Your Credit Report may as well include publicly available information, such as court writs and judgements related to bankruptcies, personal insolvencies and debt agreements.

Credit reports are bachelor to all consumers who take a credit history. These reports are built using information provided by credit providers as well every bit public record data.

You tin become a copy of your Complimentary Credit Report hither or you may consider our monthly subscriptions which include Credit Scores and Alerts.

What's the difference between my Credit File and my Credit Written report?

They are essentially the same thing. Your Credit File is information well-nigh your credit activity that is held past a credit reporting body (such as Equifax). When you inquire to run into your Credit File, the document that is sent to you is unremarkably referred to equally a credit report. To put it another mode, your Credit Study is an extract of the data held on your Credit File.

What goes into a Credit Written report?

In your Credit Report yous will find information about your history with credit. Your Credit Report is divided into a number of sections:

1. Personal data / identity details
This includes data like your proper noun, date of birth and names you may be also known as. It also includes your driver's licence number, likewise as a list of places you have worked and addresses where you have lived or operated a business from.

two. Consumer credit information
The consumer credit information section includes:

Details of credit enquiries that have been made on you by a credit provider when yous have made an application for consumer credit. Consumer credit relates to loans for household or family purposes besides equally for the purchase, renovation or re-financing of a residential investment property. Well-known types of credit include credit cards, mortgages, personal loans, motorcar loans and credit contracts. (Credit contracts are typically used by businesses – such as utility providers and telecommunications companies – that provide a skillful or service upfront and get paid for it at a afterward date.) The 'buy now pay later' store finance and store cards many retailers offer are also a type of credit.

Consumer credit liability accounts – this may exist an account that you currently take open or have had open in the past. Your Credit Report may include information nearly the blazon of consumer credit liability account you lot had or have, every bit well as its credit limit and open and/or close date. Please note that not all credit providers supply consumer credit liability information to credit reporting bodies (such as Equifax).

Monthly repayment history on credit accounts such as mortgages, personal loans and credit cards. This reflects whether you have paid the minimum amount required on time each month or non. Please note that non all credit providers supply repayment history information to credit reporting bodies (such as Equifax).

Overdue accounts such as defaults and serious credit infringements.

Public record information similar:

  • Court judgements

  • Directorship details

  • Proprietorship details

  • Defalcation, debt understanding and personal insolvency

three. Commercial credit information
This is information almost credit enquiries that take been made on you for commercial credit. Common types of commercial credit are a work-mobile-phone contract, business organization loan and concern credit carte du jour. Information technology likewise includes details of any overdue commercial credit accounts and other debts.

4. File access information
This is information near 3rd parties that have accessed your Credit Written report. These third parties may include brokers, credit repair agencies and Equifax. (For instance, if you asking a re-create of your Credit Study from Equifax, the fact that Equifax has accessed your Credit File in order to provide your Credit Report will exist noted.)

Get a re-create of yoru Gratuitous Credit Study here or consider our monthly subscriptions which include Credit Scores and Alerts.

How practice I read my Credit Written report?

Once you have received a copy of your Equifax credit report it is of import to review information technology carefully to make sure everything is right. Below is a guide on what to wait out for.

one. Personal/identity information – make certain that your name and personal details are right. The address details will show the accost you were living at when you last practical for credit, which may not exist your current accost. Please permit Equifax know if your address is wrong or your proper name is misspelled or your date of nativity is incorrect.

two. Your Equifax Credit Study contains a credit overview, which is a good place to offset. This section gives you a snapshot of the number of credit enquiries fabricated on y'all, any accounts – including overdue ones – you accept and details of commercial credit you may have. (You can review the information in the credit overview in the primary body of your Credit Report.) You should check that the credit information listed on your Equifax Credit Study is accurate.

3. If yous come up across annihilation that is inaccurate while reviewing your Equifax Credit Report, it is important that you have it investigated. (This is will be washed at no cost to you lot). You lot can either contact the credit provider by referring to the a list creditor contactshere or contact Equifax using our corrections procedure.

Equifax takes reasonable steps to ensure that your credit report is accurate. Withal, every bit we rely on data provided by a number of different sources, errors can occasionally occur.

Learn more than: CreditSmart provides some data nearly what to check in your credit report.

What is meant by "besides known as"?

If you lot have applied for credit under more than than ane name (e.g. you accept inverse your name past Act Poll or later on y'all got married) there will probably exist more than than one credit file (aka credit written report) for you lot on Equifax'south database. In these cases, Equifax keeps two separate files only creates a link betwixt them. When y'all request a copy of your Equifax Credit Report you lot will likewise be provided with the credit reports in the other names that, to Equifax'southward knowledge, you lot are "also known as".

Volition changing my proper noun impact my Credit Study?

If yous alter your name, you'll probably end up with two credit files (aka credit feports) – one in your sometime name and i in your new proper name. This is rarely a crusade for business, as Equifax has processes in place to link different credit files for the same private. If you ask Equifax for your Credit Report, y'all will receive copies of the credit reports in your old and new names.

What is a credit research?

A credit enquiry may be added to your Credit Report when a lender conducts a credit check on you equally part of an application for credit. It is listed on your Credit Report as a 'credit enquiry'.

A credit enquiry may include the appointment, the type of credit y'all have practical for (a personal loan, credit card, mortgage or telephone contract), whether y'all are a sole or joint borrower (including acting equally a guarantor for some other loan), as well every bit the corporeality.

Come across below for an case of how a credit enquiry works in the real world.

David is buying a new car and he applies for a automobile loan with ABC Car Finance. David completes his application form and as part of the assessment on whether to accept his awarding, the credit provider conducts a credit enquiry.

As a event of this credit bank check, David's application for a car loan volition exist recorded on his Credit Written report. It is important to notation the application is recorded on David'south Credit Study – and that this information remains on his Credit Study for 5 years – no thing what happens. Even if David doesn't proceed to accept out a loan from ABC Car Finance, the fact he applied for i remains on his Credit Study and may touch his Credit Score.

Do credit enquiries bear upon my Credit Written report?

The type of credit applied for, the amount of credit and the number of credit enquiries over a menses of time tin all take an bear on on your Credit Written report.

Many people are unaware that shopping around tin negative consequences where credit is concerned. If you lot make several credit applications in a short space of time, this may exist seen as a sign you are in fiscal difficulty and have a negative impact on your Credit Report and Credit Score.

Did you know....? Many applications in a brusque infinite of fourth dimension tin can be an indicator of credit stress.

What is repayment history?

As the name suggests, your repayment history is a record of when y'all take paid your minimum monthly repayments on your credit cards and loans. Whether yous come across your minimum monthly repayments on your credit card and loans each calendar month can be recorded on your Credit Report as repayment history. The repayment history information section of a credit report includes whether your minimum monthly repayments have been made on time or how many days overdue the payment is.

There is a fourteen-day grace flow earlier an overdue monthly payment can be reported by a credit provider and included as part of the repayment history department of your Credit Report

Regularly making your minimum repayments on time each month is a skillful way to demonstrate good credit behaviour. While one late repayment, depending upon how late the payment is, is unlikely to significantly affect your credit worthiness, a number of late payments could be an indication you are in financial stress and may negatively touch on your Credit Report.

Repayment history information is recorded on your Credit Written report for a flow of two years.

What is a default?

A default is also known as an overdue debt. There are two types of defaults; consumer and commercial payment defaults.

Consumer payment default
A consumer payment default can be reported past a credit provider and listed on your Credit Report. This tin merely occur if y'all have an overdue debt of equal to, or more, $150 that is more than 60 days overdue. For instance, if you take a mobile phone bill of over $150 and information technology was due more than 60 days ago, your phone company can have information technology listed on your Credit Report as a payment default.

Before reporting a consumer default, the credit provider must accept a number of steps. In item, it must send ii split written notices to your last known address. The commencement find will exist a final request for payment and the second will be a warning that the overdue payment will soon be listed with a credit reporting torso (such equally Equifax).

Commercial payment defaults
In the case of commercial credit, the minimum default amount is $100. Before list commercial defaults or overdue debts, commercial credit providers (or their agents) must transport a find to your last known address stating their intention to list the default corporeality with a credit reporting body (such as Equifax).

Potential credit providers may wait unfavourably on applicants with a history of overdue accounts. If you want to maintain your creditworthiness, it'south a good idea to avoid defaults getting onto your Credit Report. To do this, make your repayments and pay your bills on or earlier the due date.

Both consumer and commercial payment defaults may stay on your credit report for five years, fifty-fifty when y'all have paid the entire overdue amount. When y'all have paid a default, the status is updated to 'paid' which can be looked upon more favourably past lenders just information technology will remain as part of your credit history.

Learn more:CreditSmart and MoneySmart have information to aid you understand defaults.

What is comprehensive credit reporting?

Comprehensive credit reporting (CCR) means in that location is more than 'positive' information that tin can be included on consumers' credit reports. This provides a more than detailed picture of an private's credit history and creditworthiness. CCR refers to the type of consumer credit information that can be nerveless past credit reporting bodies (CRBs) and tin can be used by credit providers when making a lending determination. The positive CCR data that can be included on credit reports includes:

  • Your account information, such as the type of accounts you accept and the dates they were opened and closed

  • Your credit limits

  • Your repayment history for the past 24 months. (Simply licenced credit providers tin can contribute to or review this repayment history.)

Previously Commonwealth of australia had a negative reporting organisation. This meant consumer credit reports could only contain information such every bit credit enquiries (typically applications for credit) and data from credit providers such as payment defaults and serious credit infringements. Most advanced economies in the world operate nether a comprehensive credit reporting system.

CCR was introduced to Commonwealth of australia in 2014. (The Privacy Act 1988, which is the legislation governing consumer credit reporting in Australia, was amended to facilitate CCR.)

While CCR was introduced in 2014, limited CCR information was supplied to credit reporting bodies (such equally Equifax) in the post-obit years. In 2018, the corporeality of CCR data existence supplied to credit reporting bodies increased dramatically as a consequence of Commonwealth of australia's Large Iv banks being required to adopt CCR reporting.

What is a serious credit infringement?

Among other things, a serious credit infringement relates to overdue consumer debts where a person owes a debt to a credit provider but has left, or appears to have left, their last known address without paying that debt and without providing the credit provider with their new or forwarding accost. A serious credit infringement can be listed on a credit study in this instance if the person has non had contact with the credit provider for six months or more despite attempts by the credit provider to contact them.

Serious credit infringements on consumer credit remain on a credit written report for vii years from the date they're listed. Still, if they accept been paid they revert dorsum to a default and volition remain on the credit report for five years. The fact that an corporeality has become overdue and and so been paid still remains function of your credit history.

How long does information stay on my Credit Study?

This all depends on the type of data. Personal identity data including your name, appointment of birth, gender, commuter'due south licence and address history is held for the life of the credit report. For other data on your Credit Study, here are some of the typical timeframes.

Two years
Repayment history data

Five years
Whatever credit enquiry
Overdue accounts listed as a payment default
Overdue accounts listed every bit clearouts
Writs and summons
Court judgments

Seven years
Serious credit infringements

For some data the timeframe volition vary.

Information about consumer credit accounts yous have with credit providers is known as consumer credit liability data.  This consumer credit liability data can be held for two years after the account has been terminated or ceases to exist. This ways that the account information will remain on file for the length of the loan plus two years.

Similarly, if you are bankrupt or have a personal insolvency agreement or debt agreement the length of fourth dimension this information remains on your Credit Study could vary depending on when the bankruptcy, debt agreement or personal insolvency agreement was entered into and when it ends.

How often is my Equifax Credit Study updated?

There is no set frequency with which your Equifax Credit Report is updated.

Your Equifax Credit Report may be updated on a monthly basis with, for instance, information virtually whether you made the monthly minimum repayment on your credit bill of fare on time. It volition also be updated if a credit provider lists an overdue debt yous've incurred. Your Credit Study may too exist updated whenever y'all apply for credit, open up or shut an account, change your credit limit, or agree to act as a guarantor. When Equifax receives publicly available information, such as default judgments, court writs and Bankruptcy Human action data, this will besides update your Credit Report.

Your Equifax Business concern Credit Report may exist updated whenever yous utilize for business credit, change your credit limit or are listed as a new manager. Credit providers may also update your study when they list any overdue debts you may have incurred and nosotros may too add sure information obtained from third parties, such every bit default judgments, court writs and Bankruptcy Act information.

Why doesn't my free Equifax Credit Report include a Credit Score?

Free Credit Reports from Equifax do not include a Credit Score. This is because your Credit Score is generated using Equifax'southward proprietary algorithms. In that location are a range of monthly subscription products that you may wish to consider which includes Credit Scores and Alerts, as well as other useful tools and information.

Does checking my Equifax Credit Report impact my Equifax Credit Score?

No, checking your own Equifax Credit Report does not impact your Equifax Credit Score. When you check your Equifax Credit Report, y'all will have a File Access note added to information technology simply this does not impact your Equifax Credit Score.

Learn more: BothCreditSmart and the Australian Government's MoneySmart accept useful information most credit reports.

My flatmate didn't pay the phone neb. Will this affect my Credit Report?

Information technology can affect your Credit Written report if the phone bill is in your name. If a bill payment is missed you lot should contact your telecommunications provider immediately and talk to them nearly the state of affairs rather than hoping an overdue debt won't be listed on your Credit Report.

I sold my motorcar to a friend. Tin can they but accept over the loan repayments?

It is unlikely that your friend can just assume the loan as that loan will even so exist in your proper noun. It is likewise very risky to do that. If your friend fails to keep making the repayments on time, it'due south your Credit Written report that will exist negatively impacted and you lot will be held liable for that loan. Be warned, having a default listed on your Credit Report volition make information technology harder for you to go credit. In this situation, it is always best practice to pay off your auto loan and have your friend suit their own loan.

I went through a bad patch and now accept a default on my Credit Written report. What can I practise?

There'due south no getting effectually the fact that having a default listed on your Credit Report is a negative. However, information technology doesn't mean you lot're destined to have a bad Credit Report for life.

Firstly, your default can only remain on your Credit Written report for a maximum of v years. Secondly, while you lot tin't have a default erased from your Credit Report, if you exercise eventually pay off the coin you owe ­– or even merely make arrangements to do and so – this information will besides be recorded on your Credit Report. Finally, if you are at present in the addiction of making your loan and credit card repayments on fourth dimension, this tin can assistance lessen the impairment done by having defaulted in the by.

What is credit?

Most people at one time in their lives will apply credit. Credit can aid you lot to go the things yous want without having to pay the full corporeality up front. Put but, credit is where you obtain goods or services and get to enjoy the benefit immediately and pay for them in the future.

Items unremarkably bought on credit include houses, cars, household appurtenances and holidays. Credit too includes 'buy at present pay later on' retail finance and credit contracts where you get the skilful or service now and pay it off over time. (For instance, a mobile telephone you lot pay off over 18 months.)

Credit is defined in the Privacy Human action as a contract, organization or understanding under which
a) Payment of a debt owed past i person to another person is deferred; or
b) One person incurs a debt to another person and defers the payment of the debt.

How does credit reporting work?

When you employ for credit from a financial establishment, or sign a contract that permits you to delay payment for goods or services, the organisation providing the credit wants to be confident you will pay back what you owe. Past behaviour is a strong predictor of time to come behaviour. Then, if yous've paid your bills and fabricated your loan repayments in the by, the organization volition exist reassured that you lot are likely to continue to practice so in the future.

Credit reporting agencies (such as Equifax) keep rail of whether y'all pay your bills and repay your debts, compiling this information into a credit report. When y'all apply for credit, the potential credit provider will typically review your Credit Written report before deciding whether to extend credit to you. Depending on their lending criteria, the credit provider will place less or more than weight on your Credit Study, only it normally has a pregnant bear on on whether your credit application is approved or denied.

Credit reports encourage responsible lending. That is, they play an important function in ensuring credit is only provided to those who are likely to be able to repay information technology.

As a credit reporting body, Equifax is ane of the leading custodians of Australians' credit information.

See beneath for two examples of how credit reporting tin can work in the real globe

New credit application
Sue applies for a personal loan with ABC Bank by completing a form online. The form has terms and atmospheric condition advising Sue that a credit check will be conducted and that her data tin can be passed on to a credit reporting body.

When assessing Sue's application for credit, ABC Bank takes into business relationship information on the form, any other information they may have (like if she is an existing customer), and as well requests a credit cheque from Equifax (or some other credit reporting body in Australia). Every bit part of this bank check, some information from the awarding is passed on to Equifax, such as Sue's name, address, employment details and the credit enquiry information. In response, Equifax will supply ABC Bank with all or part of Sue's Credit Report and, in nigh cases, her Credit Score as well.

ABC Bank so makes a decision based on all the information they accept about Sue's application for credit. Each credit provider will make their own credit assessment decision. While legislation determines the data a credit reporting body can pass on to credit providers, credit providers decide how to utilize it and what analysis to apply.  A credit provider tin can use a credit study equally part of the information they review to assistance make a decision on whether to extend credit to you lot. They may also look at the information y'all include on your application grade besides as whatever other information they may have on you lot equally a customer, and include all this information when making a determination based on their ain lending criteria. Therefore information from one lender may hateful a loan awarding is rejected, whereas another will accept it.

Default listing
Sue as well has a mobile phone contract with the telco ABC Phone Company, and she has missed a number of payments. Despite ABC Phone Company contacting her, she has not paid her outstanding bills.

The phone company decides to listing a default for not-payment (this is outlined in the terms and conditions of her account), which is legal considering the amount is in backlog of $150. This payment default information is provided to Equifax and other credit reporting bodies.

Next time Sue applies for credit, whatsoever credit provider who conducts a credit check with Equifax, or another credit reporting body, will be able to see this default information on her Credit Report.

What is a credit reporting trunk (aka a credit reporting bureau or credit bureau) and what do they practice?

A credit reporting body (CRB), often referred to as a credit bureau or credit reporting agency, is an arrangement that collects and sells credit information. In Australia CRBs are governed by the Privacy Act. This Human action sets out the rules about what information can be nerveless nigh you and included in your Credit Report, besides every bit who can admission your Credit Study. Credit reporting information encourages responsible lending by helping ensure credit is only provided to those who are likely to repay it. There are 4 CRBs in Australia: Equifax, illion, Experian and Tasmania Collection Service.

CRBs are obligated to provide you with a copy of the information they have on you, including yourCredit Report for free.

Each CRB, like Equifax, maintains their own gear up of consumer credit information based on data from credit providers, like banks, fiscal institutions, telecommunications and utilities companies and publicly available information.

Every CRB maintains its own consumer credit information based on data from credit providers, equally well every bit publicly available information. (Credit providers such as banks, financial institutions, telecommunications businesses and utilities companies and publicly available information such equally court writs and judgements relating to credit and bankruptcies.)

Learn more than:CreditSmart helps explain credit reporting.

Who can Equifax share my Credit Report with?

The short reply is that Equifax can but give your Credit Report to a select range of organisations that accept a legitimate interest in your creditworthiness.

The longer answer is that admission to your Credit Report is governed by the Privacy Human activity. This Act, specifically its 'Australian Privacy Principles' and Part IIIA on Credir reporting, lays out strict conditions around what organisations are permitted to request a Credit Written report from credit reporting bodies (such every bit Equifax).

Equifax tin can just supply your Credit Study, or data on it, to:

  • A credit provider

  • A mortgage broker

  • A trade insurer

  • Your agent (for case, a broker, financial counsellor, debt management company or credit repair agency you've employed)

You may have commercial credit and public record information on your Credit Report. If this is the instance, and certain requirements are met, this data tin can be supplied to:

  • Organisations involved in commercial-credit-related activities. (For instance, if an organisation you are a director of applies for credit, the potential credit provider tin can access the commercial credit and public record information on your Credit Report.)

  • Organisations that collect commercial credit debts

  • Organisations that require this information for financial or credit-take a chance-related purposes

Can my electric current employer, or a prospective employer, view my Credit Study?

No. Employers cannot request your Credit Report from credit reporting bodies (such as Equifax). Your bodily or potential employer tin can enquire yous to provide them with a copy of your Credit Report, but it is up to you lot whether you choose to do then. (It'south not common for employers to ask current or prospective employees for their Credit Reports. But this does happen, specially if your creditworthiness could impact your suitability to piece of work for a particular organisation, or in a item part.)

How will I know if someone has looked at my Credit Report?

A notation will be added on your Credit Report whenever your Credit File is disclosed. This volition be listed on your Credit Report as either an 'enquiry' or as a 'file access'.

I've never applied for credit. Do I take an Equifax Credit Report?

Most people recollect of credit cards, personal loans or mortgages when credit is mentioned merely there are also less obvious forms of credit. Any business organization that provides payment terms of at least seven days can exist a credit provider. Utility companies and telecommunication providers are often credit providers. So are retailers that offer 'buy now, pay later' deals.

Even if you've never had a credit card, or paid off a mobile phone in instalments, or had an business relationship with a utility provider, you might nonetheless have a credit report. If yous've rented a TV, or gone guarantor for a loan or been a company director, you volition probably have a credit written report.

Any concern that provides a expert or service up front and gets paid for it more than a week after is entitled to access your credit record (as long as you've put in a request for them to provide you with something on credit).

What if I don't take a credit history?

There are several reasons why yous may not have a credit history, such as:

  • You've never practical for credit

  • You lot were in a relationship where the loans and bills were all in your partner's name

  • You oasis't applied for credit for a long fourth dimension. In this case you will yet have a Credit Study, merely it will have no credit history information. (This information is normally deleted once it'due south more 5 years quondam.)

Younger and older Australians, besides equally divorcees and recent migrants to Australia, are more than likely to have no credit history or a 'thin' credit history.

Even if you don't have a credit history, you can yet employ for credit. Nevertheless, the potential credit provider will take to use sources of information other than a credit report to determine your creditworthiness.

Yous don't need to get a credit card to found a credit history. Other forms of credit similar a post-paid mobile telephone or electricity contract will also kick kickoff your Credit Report.

How is a Credit Report established?

We will create an Equifax Credit Written report on y'all when we first receive data near y'all. A credit report is generally established when you brand your start awarding for credit. This could be when yous apply for a mail-paid mobile phone contract, utilities business relationship such as electricity, gas or h2o, an internet or Pay Tv service, credit carte du jour or shop finance.

To institute your ain credit report, the application needs to be in your name and at your current residential accost.

A credit study could too exist established if you are a business director and we receive this information from ASIC or default judgement information is collected by us from the court system.

How can I meliorate my Credit Report?

Equifax has some simple steps you tin follow to aid you keep your credit report healthy:

1. Pay your loans and bills on time
Consider setting upward direct debits and schedule loan repayments for your pay day.

2. Keep track of your credit commitments
Practise your homework earlier applying for credit and go on rails of your credit commitments. Making a number of applications within a brusque infinite of time will exist recorded on your file and is not ever looked upon positively past lenders.  This is because multiple credit applications are often a sign someone is nether financial stress.

3. If y'all move house or update your contact details, notify lenders
If you motility or change your email address, make certain to update your contact details with any businesses that send yous bills. If yous don't receive bills and don't pay them, you could finish up with defaults listed on your Credit Written report.

4. Allow credit providers know if y'all're in financial difficulty
If y'all contact them, they volition oftentimes be willing to come to some arrangement with you. But if you fail to make your repayments with no caption, you lot'll probably finish up with a default on your Credit Tape.

v. Keep rails of your credit tape
Proactively manage your personal credit profile by regularly checking your Credit Report. You lot tin can practise this past checking the information held by credit reporting bodies in Australia, including past Equifax in your Equifax Credit Study. You lot're entitled to a gratuitous Credit Report one time a year and whenever you accept an application for credit denied. You too have the option of signing upward to a monthly subscription with Equifax, which volition entitle to regular credit reports, along with other tools that volition allow you to monitor your creditworthiness.

In what instances can information exist removed from my Credit Report?

As a general rule, y'all tin have information removed from your Credit Study if it is plant to be incorrect, misleading, incomplete or out of date.

Some specific situations when you tin can ask to have data deleted from your file are:

  • When a default listed on your Credit Report has afterwards become statute barred (i.e. the debt you defaulted on is no longer legally enforceable considering a specified period of time has elapsed)

  • When you have entered into a new arrangement with a credit provider post-obit a default

  • When a default was listed on your Credit Report equally a issue of circumstances outside of your command, such equally a bank error

Equifax volition investigate and remove the default information, in this insrance, if the debt has become statute barred or the listing was a result of unavoidable circumstances and y'all accept entered into a new arrangement with the credit provider.

Learn more in the Corrections section of the Equifax Aid Centre

How can I fix an error, or query an item, on my Equifax Credit Written report?

If you believe there is incorrect or incomplete information on your Equifax Credit Study, it is important that you go this corrected. The data used to generate an Equifax credit report is provided to Equifax by credit providers. A broad range of businesses provide their customers with credit of some blazon and these businesses do sometimes give Equifax inaccurate or incomplete information.

The all-time way to right data on a credit report is to speak directly with the credit provider that the fault relates to and ask that information technology be investigated and your credit study amended. We have a handy list of contact details forcreditor providers or you lot tin can apply the Equifax Corrections Portal.

What should I do if I don't recognise an enquiry on my Equifax Credit Report?

If you review your Equifax Credit Report and find an enquiry from a credit provider you take not practical for credit with it is important to have it investigated. You can contact the credit provider (or Equifax) and inquire them to investigate (you won't take to pay any fees or charges if you do this). The credit inquiry may have been put on your Equifax Credit Written report in mistake or it may be someone trying to fraudulently apply for credit in your proper noun.

Learn more about fixing your Credit Report in the Corrections section of the Equifax Assistance Centre.

How do I get my complimentary Equifax Credit Written report?

Accessing your Equifax Credit Report is easy, and information technology is free. You can request your credit report from Equifax in the following means:

  • Social club online on our website

  • Call us on 13 8332 and follow the prompt

  • Mail your asking to the states at PO Box 964, Due north SYDNEY NSW 2059

Complimentary Equifax Credit Reports are delivered inside one concern mean solar day, provided we are able to verify your identity.

You are entitled to a gratuitous Credit Study from Equifax once every three months or in the post-obit situations:

  • You've been denied credit. In this case you demand to brand your request for a free Credit Report inside 90 days from the date your awarding was declined.

  • You lot accept submitted a correction asking and are advised that the data on your Credit Written report has been corrected.

When applying for your free Equifax credit written report it is a good idea to have the following data at your fingertips:

  • Your full name

  • Your date of birth

  • Your driver's licence number

  • Your current residential address

  • Your previous addresses

  • Your current employer or a previous employer

  • Name of the organisation to which y'all terminal applied for credit

Only you tin can asking a re-create of your Equifax Credit Report (y'all can't have your partner or a family member practise it). For security reasons, you lot will be asked to verify your identity prior to receiving a copy of your Credit Report.

Equifax besides offers a range of subscription plans where you can go your Equifax Credit Report, Equifax Credit Score and features such as credit and identity monitoring.

Understand your Equifax Credit Report

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It tin be quite complex but here's a host of helpful hints in learning how to read your Equifax Credit Report

Correct your Equifax Credit Report

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If yous've found a mistake on our Equifax Credit Report, acquire about what steps you lot can take to set information technology

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Credit Scores

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